Monday, August 17, 2009

Something about SP2010

Hi Friends,

Atleast I am very excited to see SP2010 and can't stop myself from searching about what's new is coming. I got some information and would like to share. So have fun reading this:

14 hive instead of 12 hive

SharePoint Desiger will be a huge thing in SP2010 and some of its operations are included in SharePoint UI. Also Designer workflow deployment, which is a huge pain right now, is included in. Like you can create designer workflow in SD then you can export it to visual studio and that will create your wsp.

Any huge change in database will be batched up and will be executed in batches to avoid performance issue (e.g. deleting huge list.)

Normal WSP creation is included in visual studio.

U2U runs with web service option, the object model option model does not work

Offline modification of content/documents and synchronization is possible

Tenant administration - new level of administration - Highest level of administrator who has all the control - then second level of admin who will have access to particular things.

STSADM is not completely gone but PowerShell will do everything that STSADM does and lot more.

Microsoft Office ribbon used in UI to give better user experience

In MOSS there can be only one Index server per farm. This is a huge issue as if Index server goes down , there is no back up. This is not the case with WFE/SQL/Query server. In SP2010, it is possible to have multiple index server in farm so that the only backup server limitation in MOSS will go away.

Thanks for visiting.

"Contains" option in SharePoint Advanced Search page

If you have seen SharePoint advanced Search Page before and after applying the Microsoft Office Servers Infrastucture Update (which applies updates to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS), Microsoft Search Server, and Search Server Express) you may be puzzled by the disappearance of a options on the Advanced Search page. And one of the most important option which is gone is "Contains" and "does not contains" under property restrictions.

Actually in this update they removed the default options to search by Contains or Does not contain.

Here's what the Advanced Search page used to look like:

To restore the Contains and Does not contain options to the Advanced Search Web Part, use the following steps:

On the Advanced Search page:
click Site Actions
click Edit Page.
From the Advanced Search Web Part, click Edit, and then click Modify Shared Web Part.
Click Properties to expand the selection.
In the Properties text box, click the ellipses to open the Builder dialog box.
In the Builder dialog box, under the root node, find <Option Name="AllowOpContains" Value="False"/>
Thanks for visiting.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hiding "Edit Page" option in "Site Actions" menu

This is about SITE ACTIONS menu.
I needed to hide the "Edit Page" option under the "Site Actions" menu for all users without Full Control permissions. The following steps removed the edit page option for user's without the managesubwebs right.

Open the master page for the site.
Find the following lines of code:
<SharePoint:MenuItemTemplate runat="server" id="MenuItem_EditPage" Text="<%$Resources:wss,siteactions_editpage%>" Description="<%$Resources:wss,siteactions_editpagedescription%>" ImageUrl="/_layouts/images/ActionsEditPage.gif" MenuGroupId="100" Sequence="200" ClientOnClickNavigateUrl="BLOCKED SCRIPTMSOLayout_ChangeLayoutMode(false);" />

Add to the following lines to the code:
PermissionsString="ManageSubwebs" PermissionMode="Any"

The code should now look like:
<SharePoint:MenuItemTemplate runat="server" id="MenuItem_EditPage" Text="<%$Resources:wss,siteactions_editpage%>" Description="<%$Resources:wss,siteactions_editpagedescription%>" ImageUrl="/_layouts/images/ActionsEditPage.gif" MenuGroupId="100" Sequence="200" ClientOnClickNavigateUrl="BLOCKED SCRIPTMSOLayout_ChangeLayoutMode(false);" PermissionsString="ManageSubwebs" PermissionMode="Any" />

Save the master page and you are done. Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Changing sharePoint default search scope - without modifying OOB file

Previously I posted about changing search scope in Search drop down. But that solution requires modifying OOB xml file (C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\OSearchEnhancedFeature\ SearchArea.xml), which is not recommended.

So I decided to investigate an laternate Microsoft recomended way and I got one.

What I did was copied whole feature folder "OSearchEnhancedFeature" and named the new folder "OSearchEnhancedFeatureCustom".
Then I added this line to SearchArea.xml in the new folder "OSearchEnhancedFeatureCustom".
<property name="DropDownMode">ShowDD_DefaultContextual</property>

Also don't forget to remove all CustomActions from file "searchadminlinks.xml" otherwise you will have duplicate links for Search options on Site Settings page.

This feature will get installed at Web Application level and you can activate it only for the web applications you need to.
